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Pineapple Weed - Matricaria discoidea

As the name suggests, pineapple weed is just that... a weed. while being native to northeast Asia, it was first introduced in the Uk in the 19th century, and then widespread from continent to continent through the introduction of transportation. This very common weed can be seen on almost every sidewalk, and roadside imaginable. A very hearty little plant, the pineapple weed can withstand trampling, trimming, and repeated removal.

Easily identifiable, Pineapple weed gets its peculiar name from the way it looks and smells. Tiny conical yellow flower tops that look like baby pineapples, and a sweet aromatic smell and taste of mild pineapple when you crush the flowers or leaves! The flowers appear from may until June, and when you trim the tops, more will grow back again and again all summer long, making it a great plant for continual harvest throughout the warm months.

As a very tasty and edible weed, the flowerheads can be gathered for food ! Children loves to pick the tiny yellow tops and eat them just like trail mix! Quite often my own children will bend down and pick a few tops and pop them into their mouths while out walking or hiking. I have to regularly guide them not to pick from certain areas, or random sidewalks, but they sure do have alot of fun and get very excited when they see those distinct yellow flower tops! The flower heads can also be added to muffin mix, breads, or popped into a fresh salad. The possibilities are endless if you love the taste of pineapple weed like we do !

Pineapple weed is closely related to German Chamomile, which is known for its sedative effects as a herbal tea. Pineapple weed is no exception. As a mild sedative, pineapple weed can be used for a calm and relaxing herbal tea to help calm anxious nerve, treats anxiety and is a perfect tea to help calm down children at night before bedtime. It can also be used to calm down irritability and helps to treat irritable bowel syndrome- making it great for overall digestive health. As a mild sedative, it can help to aid in the relaxing of muscles inside the digestive tract, allowing for gas to expel, reliving heartburn and calming the nerves.

Pineapple weed is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as anti ulcer activity. This makes it a great herb to use topically for wounds, sunburns, burns , hemorrhoids, mastitis, open sores, as well as sore gums and for children who are teething.

There have been many studies that show this herb to help lower blood pressure, and improve cardiac and respiratory functions- by using the oil extracted from the flower tops. The studies have shown to induce deep sleep in a whopping 83% !!! of cardiac patients. Pineapple weed can be used to treat colds, especially in children ( the taste is more tolerated by children then most other herbs) , as well as upset stomach, diarrhea, fevers, and by women and teens for menstrual cramps.

Pineapple weed has been well known for its uses in women's health. More specifically, to help create a healthy blood supply before childbirth, to aid in delivering the placenta and to build and maintain a healthy milk supply after childbirth !

Pineapple weed has been one of my family's favorites for a long time, and it is a great little herb to use for an introduction to wild edibles for your children. Next time your on a walk with the kidlets, be sure to take a look on the sidewalks and on gravel roads to see if you can find some pineapple weed growing ! Make sure not to select plants for eating or medicine from sidewalks, yards or heavily used roadways, and always be sure to be mindful or areas that are sprayed with chemicals. I really hope you enjoyed reading my blog and checking out my photos, if you enjoyed this blog please consider following me on facebook, and signing up for emails alerts!

*This information for educational purposes only. This blog post is not intended to cure, diagnose treat any type of disease or condition whatsoever, or replace any prescription medication you are currently taking.

Always make sure to check with your doctor before choosing herbal teas or salves for remedies, as some herbs may not work for all people and may react to certain medications.

This post is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or illness. It is not intended to represent or replace professional medical advice or prescription medicine. It is not intended to give medical advise either. **

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Jenny Allen
Jenny Allen
Jun 13

how much can we take in one day, when sick, for little children...etc...dosage. thank you...i have lotson our acreage....good to know and will use them now that i know!!

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